On day three our crews took on the fifteen locks and seven bridges of the Crinan canal. Completed in 1801, the canal links the Firth of Clyde with the west coast of Scotland and is popular with many leisure cruises, not least ours, and provides another opportunity for navigating locks, as well as testing thre boat handling skills of our crews.
Originally populated mainly by Clyde Puffers, the Crinan canal is a much tighter fit than the Caledonian in places and required a steady hand on the helm at times, as well as good communication when entering the small locks that line the way.
After traversing the fourteen kilometers of the canal, Ashanti and Clearlake II moored near the village of Ardrishaig, ready to lock out in the morning and into the open sea once more.
If you wish to support our crews on their voyage, and help Macmillan Cancer Support continue their vital work with those affected by cancer, please follow this link to our justgiving page:
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