Day 2 of the sail4macmillan Round Britain cruise consisted mainly of calm seas and gentle winds, drawing our fleet from their berths in Shotley up to Lowestoft and their second stop of the leg so far. The easternmost point of the British Isles, Lowestoft allows our crews to be the very first to see the sunrise (if they are out of bed in time!) Maybe a lie in is not such a bad idea, as the following day is the first overnight sail of this year’s cruise: the long haul across The Wash and up to Whitby.
If you wish to support our crews on their voyage, and help Macmillan Cancer Support continue their vital work with those affected by cancer, please follow this link to our justgiving page:
Thank you.
Premier Sailing would also like to thank all of our sponsors for this year’s endeavours. Their generous donations have all gone straight to Macmillan, so they can help those who need it most.
Volspec Ltd, Marinestore, Mantsbrite, Pantaenius , Tiptree, MOB Lifesavers, Boatfolk,